Thursday, July 23, 2015

Treble and Bass Clef Do-a-Dot pages

If you have little's who enjoy using do-a-dots, then here are do-a-dot pages for the treble and bass clef. Please use for personal use only. Thank you!

Bass Clef Do-a-Dot page

Treble Clef Do-a-Dot page

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

New Releases!

Hi friends! I am excited to announce that I will be releasing my lessons! Finally! I will be releasing each lesson throughout the week. I have a few lessons finished and each one has about 6 pages. I will have a video to go with each lesson so you can follow along like a private piano lesson. The first few lessons will be SUPER basic. Just hitting on the fundamentals of piano...putting the fun back in fundamentalism. Don't get upset at me if you are not playing a piano song after the first lesson. It takes time and hard work to learn to play the piano CORRECTLY. There are a lot of piano programs that take shortcuts and focus on just playing instead of learning correctly. It's easy to learn a song on the's work to have an understanding of the song you played on the piano.

My goal is to make learning the piano so easy that even a parent with no skill in music could help teach their child to play the piano. As a homeschool parent, I teach subjects that I don't have a degree in. I don't have years of training, but I have a simple teacher manual that helps me teach these subjects. I LOVE my teacher manuals! That is what I want to do. Be a teacher manual for parents to then come along side their kids and help them learn to love and play the piano.

My first lesson will be released next week, with a couple pages being released each day, and ending the week with a video to go along with that lesson. Try them out with your kids and I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Introducing Mr. Frog

Wow it has been a while since I last posted. I am a full time mom of three boys, homeschooler, homemaker, pastor's wife, and I constantly have these great ideas but lack in the followthrough since I am the worst at time management. Ha. I have a brain full of ideas for this blog and have the tools to teach beginning piano lessons right here on the internet. BUT...I also have a life that hates to compete with my computer screen. Well at least three little boys who loath my attention being focused on something other than them. They are attention hogs. But I'm ok with that! I only get one chance to raise them, right?!

So this year I am going to introduce you to another one of my characters. Maybe by next year you will get another one...eesh, it better not take me that long. Seriously, life just happens and before I realize, its been another six months, my boys need new clothes, i need new clothes, and how did my baby get out of his crib??! Nonetheless, I will try harder this year though.

Without further adieu, Presenting Mr. Frog!

He is my bass frog that helps with a few different tasks for beginner pianists! His cute face will be throughout my lessons just as much as Mr. Giraffe will be. I truly am excited about the lessons that at some point I will be posting. I have written lessons, but still need to film. Have you ever tried to film with three boys under age six in the same house?? Yeah, doesn't work out so hot. I tried it the other day and one of my boys ran in the room yelling about someone using the bathroom on the floor. AWESOME. Not so great for a piano lesson. Entertaining for sure...but not appropriate. Ha. Love having all boys! So, check back and I will try to get something going soon! 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Introducing Mr. Giraffe

 I have been working a lot on my lesson structure and am about to begin filming. Before I begin filming, I have been writing up my own curriculum to go along with each lesson. So during this process I have created my own characters that will assist me in teaching piano and reading music! I have been drawing for the last few weeks, uploading, drawing each character again on the computer, and then perfecting each of my little characters. This process is very time consuming, so I apologize for the delay in beginning with my videos and lessons. But I want to give you a sneak peek of what I have been working on.

 My favorite character right now is Mr. Giraffe! I don't have a name picked out for him yet. Seriously it's like picking the name for your child...which in our household is almost impossible. "Almost" impossible...since we weren't allowed to leave the hospital without a name. Ha! I have been through LISTS of names and just can't seem to find the right fit for him. So for now...Mr. Giraffe works.

 Well, he is going to be helping me with learning the treble clef, the G notes, and might pop his tall head in for some other things too!

 Learning to read music on the staff can be quite intimidating. There are a bunch of lines, spaces, squiggly marks, and notes that don't make much sense....until you learn it.

 In the last 12 years of teaching private lessons, I have always used the same books! The same beginning books, same theory books, same classical books...seriously I stick with what has had the best results. But lately, I have been a little bummed out with how many of my students struggle when learning to read the staff. I don't blame them as much as I blame the books.

The Staff
 The beginning music books in the stores never begin with just learning music on the staff. They start with letters and finger numbers. This is a great way to learn a song...which most parents just want to hear their kids play a song. It's not bad, but I have noticed way too many of my students pick up bad habits learning finger numbers before notes and they struggle way more when it comes to learning the staff.

 So with all that said, I am going to try a new approach to learning music. Maybe not new in the "learning piano industry", but new to what I have always done. I haven't found a program that begins this way yet, but this is the beginning of my journey. So follow me, stick with me, try my lessons with your kids, and leave me your feedback if your kids are picking it up!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Not your everyday learn to play piano

Learn to Play Piano! There are so many websites, youtube videos, and whatnot on the internet about
learning to play the piano. I am amazed at what you can find and what you can learn! Now, I don't want this to be another website that is just like all the rest. "Learn how to play guaranteed!" Nah, that's not totally my style. I just want to write what I have learned about teaching, the piano, and anything that could possibly help you in gaining a deeper knowledge of the piano.

You might be a friend of mine who has asked for help or for lessons at some point. I want to help you. Wether it is assisting you in teaching your child to play or to give your child a lesson through videos. Maybe you don't know me at all, but you want to learn a little bit about the piano. I will write about my experiences and put up some videos. I feel like a firehose of information about to explode!