Thursday, July 23, 2015

Treble and Bass Clef Do-a-Dot pages

If you have little's who enjoy using do-a-dots, then here are do-a-dot pages for the treble and bass clef. Please use for personal use only. Thank you!

Bass Clef Do-a-Dot page

Treble Clef Do-a-Dot page

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

New Releases!

Hi friends! I am excited to announce that I will be releasing my lessons! Finally! I will be releasing each lesson throughout the week. I have a few lessons finished and each one has about 6 pages. I will have a video to go with each lesson so you can follow along like a private piano lesson. The first few lessons will be SUPER basic. Just hitting on the fundamentals of piano...putting the fun back in fundamentalism. Don't get upset at me if you are not playing a piano song after the first lesson. It takes time and hard work to learn to play the piano CORRECTLY. There are a lot of piano programs that take shortcuts and focus on just playing instead of learning correctly. It's easy to learn a song on the's work to have an understanding of the song you played on the piano.

My goal is to make learning the piano so easy that even a parent with no skill in music could help teach their child to play the piano. As a homeschool parent, I teach subjects that I don't have a degree in. I don't have years of training, but I have a simple teacher manual that helps me teach these subjects. I LOVE my teacher manuals! That is what I want to do. Be a teacher manual for parents to then come along side their kids and help them learn to love and play the piano.

My first lesson will be released next week, with a couple pages being released each day, and ending the week with a video to go along with that lesson. Try them out with your kids and I hope you enjoy!